Cookie policy

GDPR Privacy Statement
This statement is provided pursuant to art. 13 of the European General Data Protection Regulation EU
2016/679 and applicable national legislation or regulations (“Legislation” or “GDPR”) relating to the
protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of
such data, to those who interact with the services and the website at https://
(hereinafter also “Site”) and describes the methods of management and processing of the relevant
personal data.
This information is provided only for the use of services provided by Human Interpretation s.r.l. directly or
through the Site and not for other services or websites that may be consulted by users through links.
Human Interpretation s.r.l. reserves the right to modify all or part of this GDPR information and cookie
policy. All changes will be effective as a result of the publication on the Site of the updated GDPR Policy
and cookie policy. The use of the Site or the use of the services following the modification of the policy
implies the acceptance of such changes.

Owner of the treatment, with registered office in Via del Mercato Vecchio 9/11 – 09124 Cagliari (CA), mail, VAT number 11328710964 (hereinafter referred to as “Owner”).

Type of data processed
● data provided by the user through the Site such as name and surname, date and place of birth,
address, telephone, CF and/or VAT number, email, identity document, profession and/or
qualification and data relating to the services activated or requested;
● navigation data: the computer systems responsible for the operation of the Site acquire some
personal data transmitted via secure protocols. This collection is not in any way aimed at
identifying the user but this could occur through processing and association with data held by
third parties. This category of data includes IP addresses, browser identifiers, URI (Uniform
Resource Identifier) addresses of requested resources, the time of the request, the method used
to submit the request to the server, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given
by the server (e.g. successful, error) and other parameters relating to the operating system and
the user’s computer environment. These data are used only for statistical purposes and to
monitor the correct functioning.

Purposes of treatment
Provision of the requested service

The personal data provided by users who benefit from the services of the Site (newsletter subscription,
form filling) are used for the sole purpose of performing the service or provision requested.
The basis of legitimacy of the treatment is the execution of a specific request and / or a contract or, the
legitimate interest of the owner. The provision of data is compulsory and failure to provide the information indicated as compulsory will make it impossible to use the service requested through the Site.

Direct Marketing
Subject to explicit consent, may process the user’s data to carry out marketing activities,
also of specific interest relating to its own or its partners’ products or services, market research or studies and sending the newsletter. In the case of subscription to the newsletter, the data may be processed through profiling activities based on the area of origin or according to its specific areas of interest in order to send communications based on preferences.
In this case the basis of legitimacy of the treatment is the consent, which is optional with the consequence
that the lack of consent does not affect the execution of the contract or the specific request.
Notwithstanding the right to opt-out and unsubscribe, the owner may in any case process data for
sending e-mail communications and promotions of products or services similar to those purchased

Communication modalities
The personal data collected will be processed only by staff in charge who need to have knowledge in
function of their activities or by external parties who perform services on behalf of the owner (such as the management of the computer system, agencies and communications companies) or who work with the owner and who may act as data processors or autonomous owners.

Treatment modalities
The processing of personal data is done through computer tools suitable to ensure the security and confidentiality of data and in compliance with security measures deemed adequate by the Owner
pursuant to art. 32 GDPR, through secure communication protocols with SSL encryption algorithms.
The data may be processed electronically, including automated, with or without the use of electronic
means (including e-mail, fax, telephone and any other remote communication technology) in accordance
with principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency.
The data could be transferred to a third country on the basis of the decisions of adequacy of the
European Commission or on the basis of adequate guarantees provided by the regulations in force. The
personal data collected will not be disseminated.

Retention period
The personal data collected will be kept for a period of time not exceeding that necessary to achieve the
purposes for which they are collected and for the maximum time provided for by law (10 years in the case of purchases of services on the Site).
The processing of data for marketing purposes will be treated and stored (unless opt-out or revocation)
for a period of time consistent with the interest expressed by the person to whom the data relate to the
initiatives of the Owner who will periodically check the actual continuation of interest.
With regard to technical data managed by the Site, such as cookies, the retention period is defined by the technical characteristics of the cookies themselves.

Rights of the interested parties
By sending an email to can be exercised all the rights provided by the Regulations
including i) know the origin of the data, the purposes and methods of treatment and communication ii)
rectification (to update and correct data) iii) cancellation of data (oblivion) iv) limitation (to limit the
treatment) (iv) portability (receive the data provided and transmit them to another owner) v) revocation of consent and opposition to treatment.In case of treatment in violation of the EU Regulations you can
complain to the Guarantor for the protection of personal data. The contact details of the Guarantor are
available at